Ear Piercings


Just Kids Pediatrics offers medical grade ear piercing services!

Our physicians and nurses researched the best available medical grade ear piercing products and decided on Blomdahl Medical.

The Blomdahl system is only available through medical professionals. Just Kids Pediatrics and Blomdahl consider ear piercing to be a medical procedure. With that in mind, the Blomdahl medical ear piercing system has been designed from a medical standpoint, using modern technology and medical-grade, safe materials.

Using the Blomdahl medical ear piercing system, we provide your child with a safer and more sanitary alternative to the mall or jewelry store. Blomdahl is a sterile system where a disposable cartridge is replaced with every piercing, and medical-grade plastic or titanium piercing studs are used to reduce the chance of allergic reaction.

The ear piercing services are not covered by insurance and cost a one-time charge of $90.00. This includes a set of two sterile earrings with backs, topical anesthetic, the piercing procedure performed by a member of our trained nursing staff, aftercare instructions and a piercing aftercare kit. These services are available to anyone under 19 years old* and by appointment only.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us today!

You may also visit for more information about the Blomdahl medical ear piercing product.
*Your child must be a least two months old and must be at least 14 days past their 2-month immunizations to receive this service.