Fun Ways To Get Your Kids Moving

The (not-so) secret to a good, healthy life is to keep moving. Exercise is absolutely essential to anyone and everyone’s health. As your pediatrician, I am here to share a few of my favorite ways to get my kids moving.

Great Movements For Kids

Bike Rides

This is one of our favorite activities to do as a family. We all strap on our helmets, back our bicycles out of the garage, and head down to the park for a few laps on the bikes. It’s about one mile to the park. Many times, we park our bikes and play at the playground. All of us play together; the parents are not exempted from the extra play!


I love to combine this movement with chores. We’ll wake up on Saturday mornings, crank up the radio, and dance around the house as we pick up toys, clothes, and sweep the kitchen. Not only are you listening to great music and cleaning house, but you and your kiddos will be laughing as you dance together.

All too frequently, our kids graduate high school, head to college, and forget everything they learned about moving and playing as children, which can lead to weight gain and an unhealthy life. I encourage all of you parents to interchange the words commonly associated with exercise (play, work out, exercise, condition, go to the gym, etc.) as you raise your children with these healthy habits in order to show that you don’t have to only “work out” to be healthy.

Get movin’ and raise your heartbeat during everyday tasks. As your pediatrician in Oklahoma City, I want to see all kids healthy and happy.

Enjoy these movements!

High Five