Most Common Kid Injuries/Illnesses Seen in the ER Part 2
Kids are unpredictable, and with that, so are their injuries and illnesses. When it comes to kids getting sick or injured, you need to make sure you have a plan in place! At Just Kids Pediatrics in Oklahoma, we want you to realize that there’s an ER just for kids standing by! But why would you need to take your child to our kid’s urgent care in the first place? In our previous post, we started giving you some of the most common injuries or illnesses that landed children in the ER, here are a few more.
Mental Disorders and Behavioral Health Conditions- Nearly 4 million children in the United States, including teens, have reported suffering from mental illness. Out of those 4 million, 1 in 10 children or teens will be hospitalized for their mental health problem. Mental health problems include bipolar disorder, depression and psychosis.
Skin Disorders- Skin disorders such as sunburns or other issues can lead to blistering. These skin disorders may require professional medical care from a pediatrician. There are also a number of bacterial skin disorders such as diaper rash, which can usually be treated with medications.
Digestive Disorders- If your child is under the weather and is vomiting, has severe stomach pains or diarrhea that isn’t stopping, it may be time to head to the ER. The reason for a digestive order will have to be diagnosed by a doctor.
Need our assistance at OKC’s kid’s urgent care? Visit us online today to learn more and a give us a call with any questions or concerns! Stay tuned for the final most popular reasons why children end up in the ER.